Who were you prior to you were you? Even though we all brand with a really singular cut of time and space, equating �me� with one physique and one mind, in being you additionally live outward yourself in the margin of awareness.The Vedic seers say, �The genuine you cannot be squeezed in to the volume of a physique or the camber of a lifetime.� The package of physique and mind that came prior to is a foreigner to you now, and the one that competence movement after your genocide is similarly alien. But on a deeper level, millions of seeds have already been planted.Some are the thoughts you will have tomorrow or the actions you will follow a decade from now. Time is stretchable at the quantum turn and nonexistent at the practical level. As we watch these seeds growing in the fruitful margin of time and space, recognition wakes up to itself. This is how a singular fertilized cell learns to turn a brain�it wakes up to itself, not on the containing alkali turn but on the turn of awareness.Imagine that stretched recognition is normal. Time and space could only be available concepts that hold loyal in the element universe but disintegrate progressively as you proceed the quantum level. This is what I hold reincarnation is about.Former lives tumble in to the unexplored domain of stretched awareness. It isn�t positively required to confirm either they are �real� or not. All of the quantum and practical levels are open to us all of the time. To navigate them utterly is impossible; they open up to us according to the own needs and abilities. But no piece is purposely sealed off. Although we routinely see no deeper than the personal domain, to see deeper is regularly possible.It is some-more normal to sense from the past than not to, and people who close out their former livesif we wish to make use of that terminology�are shutting out lessons that give this benefaction lifetime the role and meaning. For someone who has engrossed these lessons fully, there is no need to go over this lifetime, and nonetheless such visitations are still piece of the healthy sequence of things.Adapted from How To Know God, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2000).
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